
Surge in Morally Opposed Americans: Gender Change, Trans Athletes Controversy

The findings of a recent Gallup poll suggest a rising trend among Americans who view changing one's gender as ethically incorrect rather than morally permissible. The poll also indicates declining support for permitting transgender athletes to participate in sports teams that match their gender identity, with 69% of respondents asserting that transgender athletes should only compete in teams that correspond with their biological sex.

These poll results resonate with earlier surveys where the majority of Americans expressed favor for categorizing sports according to biological sex. In a related development, the Biden administration's alterations to Title IX, which now enable transgender athletes to compete against biologically female athletes, are perceived by 60% of poll participants as detrimental to women's sports. This is based on a poll conducted by Summit Ministries and McLaughlin and Associates.

Across the board, Republicans, Democrats, and independents show less enthusiasm for allowing transgender athletes to compete on teams that match their current gender identity, as compared to the sentiment two years ago, according to Gallup's report. Consequently, the Democratic view on permitting transgender athletes to compete in either male or female teams is now split, despite the earlier trend of majority support. In contrast, a significant proportion of independents (67%) and Republicans (93%) disapprove of letting transgender athletes choose to compete on male or female teams.

Reflecting this public sentiment, over 20 states have implemented measures to safeguard women's sports from transgender athletes. Additionally, several states have enacted laws limiting access to irreversible transgender surgeries and hormone therapies for minors. Gallup notes that these policies generally reflect the prevailing US public opinion on this matter.

The latest poll results highlight a disconnect between progressive activists' stance on gender-related matters and the views held by Americans from diverse racial backgrounds and even their own political constituents, as per Nicki Neily, the president of Parents Defending Education, in a conversation with Townhall. It is high time that politicians heed the voice of their voters and place emphasis on preserving women's sports and minor's welfare above ideological pursuits.

Written by Staff Reports

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