
Swing States Rally for Borders, Not Foreign Aid: Trump Tops Biden!

The Western Journal’s take on recent polls is an enthusiastic victory for those who support stronger border security. In a recent Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll of swing states, a staggering 68 percent of respondents threw their support behind increased funding for border protection. This overwhelming majority of Americans in key swing states prioritizing border security over foreign aid is a resounding win for the conservative cause. The poll also revealed that support for increased aid to Israel and Ukraine paled in comparison to the demand for bolstering our own nation’s southern border, with only 61 percent and 58 percent of swing state voters favoring aid to Israel and Ukraine, respectively.

The results of this poll are a clear indication that the American people are keenly aware of the importance of securing our borders. And this awareness is further underscored by the fact that three times as many respondents cited immigration as their top issue, compared to those who expressed concern about the Israel-Hamas war. This level of support for border security initiatives resonates deeply with the conservative base, who have long been advocating for robust measures to protect our nation’s borders.

It’s no surprise that Former President Donald Trump emerged as the preferred candidate for dealing with global conflicts, besting President Joe Biden by double digits when it came to handling the Israel-Hamas and Russia-Ukraine wars. Additionally, the swing state poll indicated a clear preference for Trump over Biden, with Trump leading in key swing states like North Carolina, Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. It’s reassuring to see that, despite the biased media coverage, the American people still recognize Trump’s competence in handling critical issues such as the economy, immigration, and crime.

The Quinnipiac University national poll also echoed the sentiments of the Bloomberg News/Morning Consult poll, with a resounding 73 percent of respondents expressing support for allocating more funding towards securing the Southern border. Again, support for aid to Israel and Ukraine paled in comparison to the overwhelming demand for bolstering our own border security. The results of these polls serve as a powerful validation of conservative principles and the proactive approach to securing our borders, which has long been championed by the Right.

The story doesn’t end there; the American people’s unwavering support for securing the southern border signals a shift in national priorities. The era of putting America last is over, and the time has come to prioritize the safety and security of our own citizens. This groundswell of support for border security not only sends a strong message to the current administration but also serves as a testament to the enduring influence of conservative values in shaping public opinion.

It’s abundantly clear that the American people are deeply invested in issues that directly impact their daily lives, and it’s heartening to see their overwhelming support for securing our borders. The results of these polls are a resounding endorsement of the conservative stance on border security and a powerful reminder that the American people are steadfastly committed to putting their own country first. With such unwavering support from the American people, the conservative movement can take heart in knowing that the push for stronger border security is more than just a political priority – it’s a mandate from the people.

Written by Staff Reports

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