
Target Caves: Levin’s Book Wins Fight for Free Speech!

In yet another case of a struggling retailer stepping into the minefield of the culture wars, Target has found itself on the losing side thanks to conservative commentator Mark Levin. It all started when Target informed Levin’s publisher that they would not be selling his upcoming book, “The Democrat Party Hates America,” due to concerns that some customers would be offended by the title. Can you believe it? Target, the same company that thought selling child-themed transgender merch was a good idea, is now worried about offending people with a book title.

But Levin wasn’t about to let Target get away with their corporate leftwing censorship. He took to Twitter to announce the news and encourage his supporters to pre-order the book on Amazon instead. And wouldn’t you know, prominent Republican politicians like Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Chip Roy came to Levin’s defense, amplifying his tweet and causing even more outrage in conservative circles.

Faced with mounting backlash, it seems Target had a change of heart. They quickly issued a statement saying they would indeed stock Levin’s book in their stores, despite their initial concerns about the word “hate” being used in the title. So, not only did Levin score a victory against Target, but he also proved that the silent majority is no longer silent when it comes to defending free speech and market capitalism.

Levin wasted no time declaring victory and praising his supporters for their commitment to patriotism. He noted that conservative authors and audiences everywhere would benefit from their power. And he’s absolutely right. It’s about time that the silent majority stood up and made their voices heard.

So, if you’re looking to get your hands on Levin’s book, don’t worry, you won’t have to rely on Target. You can find it at other retailers who understand the value of free speech and don’t cave to the demands of the outrage machine. It’s just another reminder that we need to be vigilant in defending our conservative values and not let companies like Target dictate what we can and can’t read.

Source: Red State

Written by Staff Reports

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