
Taxpayers Foot Bill for Inmate “Transition” Extravaganza

The radical left is at it again, folks. According to the latest scoop from Fox News, it looks like hardworking taxpayers are footing the bill for so-called “gender-affirming” surgeries for inmates who identify as “transgender.” You heard that right — your money is being used to fund irreversible and experimental procedures for prisoners who are playing make-believe with their genders.

The documents, obtained by The Heritage Foundation and shared with Fox News, reveal that these “transgender” inmates are getting the royal treatment, with evaluations and procedures overseen by a group called the Transgender Clinical Care team. If that doesn’t sound like a bunch of liberal nonsense, then what does? This team includes a pharmacist, a psychiatrist, a physician, and a social worker, all part of the costly circus involved in these outrageous procedures.

But wait, it gets even more absurd. The guidelines dictate that healthcare providers must use the inmate’s preferred name and pronouns at every clinical encounter. What happened to common sense, people? And don’t even get started on the non-gender specific terminology they want to use. It’s like they’re speaking a whole different language just to cater to these inmates’ fantasy world.

And as if that wasn’t enough, the taxpayers are shelling out for hormone therapy, feminization, masculinization, permanent hair removal, chest contouring, breast augmentation, and a laundry list of other surgical procedures. It’s a smorgasbord of medically unnecessary operations, all on the dime of hardworking Americans. And who’s to blame? Well, the Heritage Foundation’s very own director of the Oversight Project, Mike Howell, summed it up perfectly when he called it “crazy.” Amen, Mike.

But the insanity doesn’t stop there. Townhall has reported on the terrifying consequences of allowing men who claim they are women to be housed in women’s prisons. One of these individuals even managed to impregnate two female inmates at the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility in New Jersey. This is not a drill, folks. We’re talking about real-life women being put in harm’s way because of this left-wing lunacy.

And let’s not forget the female inmate at Edna Mahan who filed a lawsuit alleging she was sexually assaulted by a biological male “transgender” inmate. This is the kind of chaos that is unleashed when we start playing make-believe with gender and allowing dangerous individuals to dictate how our prisons are run.

So, in conclusion, it’s time to put an end to this madness. Taxpayer money should not be squandered on these unnecessary and risky procedures for inmates who are living in a fantasy world. It’s time for some common sense to prevail, and for our hard-earned dollars to be used for real priorities, not to fund the left’s social experiments.

Written by Staff Reports

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