
TCU’s Outrageous Course: Queer Art of Drag Pushes Liberal Agenda

The Texas Christian University Women and Gender Studies webpage promotes an odd and offensive new course. The course, titled The Queer Art of Drag, is designed to teach students the art of drag and elevate it to the level of an academic discipline. According to the TCU curriculum, "harassment" promotes the notion that there are only two sexes, and inquiring someone's sex is considered violent. The syllabus also states that "white cisgender heteropatriarchy enforces the gender binary through mandatory norms, harassment, and violence." This is absolutely inexcusable!

This course will teach students about the history of drag and how it has been used to challenge oppressive norms and systems. Nonetheless, it is important to recognize that drag has also been used to promote violent ideologies. The school desires that students construct their own drag personas and virtual drag performances. This represents the culmination of their class discussions, seminars, and brainstorming sessions. You may create any type of drag performance, and it need not involve lip-syncing if you have an alternative concept. You could, for instance, perform a drag story program, a performance, or a comedy routine for children.

The course will also address harm, specifically the idea that names and pronouns are profoundly personal and that assumptions about them can cause harm. Students will learn to use whatever name and pronouns their peers, authors, and members of the community request. They will respectfully correct themselves if they make an error, such as using the incorrect pronouns or mispronouncing someone's name. It is outrageous that colleges and universities devote time and resources to such folly rather than providing students with a well-rounded and comprehensive education.

It is essential to note that TCU is not alone in promoting such content. Some public universities have spent student activity fees on expensive drag performances, while others have turned to gender identity and transgenderism promotion. This is not what college students should be studying. This is detrimental, divisive, and a financial and resource waste. Instead of promoting bizarre and offensive courses like the Queer Art of Drag, institutions that engage in such practices should be required to provide their students with a legitimate education.

Written by Staff Reports

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