
Ted Cruz Obliterates Biden’s ‘2 Beers’ Advice with Swift Retort!

Joe Biden's Alcohol Czar said that Americans should only drink two beers per week. This made Republican Senator Ted Cruz very angry. Cruz didn't hold back when he talked to Eric Bolling on Newsmax about how the Left wants to control every part of people's lives. "Why do lefties want to control every single thing about your life? "They can kiss my ass if they want us to drink two beers a week," Cruz said in a direct way.

During the interview, Bolling mentioned that the head of the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (NIAAA), George Koob, said that the US might follow Canada's example and limit people to two beers per week. Koob said that this kind of limit could be good for people's health and suggested that people might think twice about how much booze they drink.

Cruz quickly disagreed with this idea. He questioned the need for a booze czar and criticized the Left's overall desire to be in charge. "Listen, Eric, it's crazy. First, why does Biden have a "czar" for alcohol? Cruz said, "We don't need czars in the United States." He kept giving examples of liberals going too far, like when they tried to ban gas stoves and put rules on ceiling fans. Cruz ended his angry answer by saying, "I've got to tell you, if they want us to drink two beers a week, they can kiss my ass."

The senator explained his point of view in the usual Cruz way, with strong ideas and a touch of humor. Many Republicans agreed with him because they think the government shouldn't have a big say in how people live their lives.

Written by Staff Reports

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