
Texas Immigration Law Spurs Mexican Showdown!

In a recent move that’s got Texas-sized implications, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador is throwing shade at Texas’ new law that puts the kibosh on illegal immigration. The Lone Star State’s governor, Greg Abbott, unleashed the legal hounds, citing the Biden administration’s “deliberate inaction” as the catalyst for this crackdown.

The nitty-gritty of the law, known as Senate Bill 4, lays down the law by making illegal entry into Texas a criminal offense. And guess what? Repeated attempts will land you in hot water too, with the possibility of a 20-year VIP stay in a state-funded concrete hotel. In addition to this, the law gives the green light for ordering offenders to hightail it back to the foreign nation they came from. To top it all off, it offers a golden ticket of civil immunity and indemnification for Texas officials and their posse, so they can crack down on these shenanigans without fearing lawsuits. Talk about no-nonsense!

But hold onto your cowboy hats, because López Obrador is having none of it. He’s calling the law “inhumane” and is ready to throw hands through Mexico’s foreign ministry, looking to throw a wrench in the works. According to Reuters, he’s not afraid to tell it like it is, saying that Abbott’s trying to win brownie points but is only gonna end up in the political doghouse. And let’s not forget, there are tons of Mexicans and migrants in Texas, so this move might not be as popular as Abbott hopes.

And this ain’t the first rodeo for Texas and Mexico. Mexico previously squared off against the Lone Star State over those pesky buoys in the Rio Grande that were meant to stem the flow of illegal immigration. The Justice Department even saddled up and sued Texas over it, resulting in a swift order to remove those buoy barriers. Womp womp.

It’s clear that the Lone Star State isn’t playing around when it comes to illegal immigration. And with Mexico ready to duke it out, this showdown is far from over. Yeehaw!

Written by Staff Reports

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