
Texas School Board Triumphs: Upholds Tradition Over Woke Agenda

A Texas school district has come to its senses and embraced the good ol’ conservative values that this great country was built on. The Sherman Independent School Board initially put the brakes on the school play “Oklahoma!” when they insisted that students had to play roles based on their gender. What a concept, right? But then, the liberal lefties have to come in and ruin everything, demanding that the rules be thrown out the window.

Not only did they want a transgender boy, Max Hightower, to be able to play a male role in the play, but they also wanted girls to play male roles too. What’s next? Cats and dogs living together? The world turned upside down!

The district initially tried to hold their ground, pointing out that the script contained mature themes and even scenes where characters kiss. The nerve of those parents and students who wanted to shield their kids from such smut! Thank goodness, finally, someone is looking out for the innocence of our youth.

But this stirred up a whole hornet’s nest, with Max’s family publicizing their objections and causing an uproar. The district then caved, saying they would allow roles to be filled regardless of gender. It’s like they forgot what gender even means!

After more ruckus, the school decided to use a “youth” version of the play to tone down the mature content. But even that didn’t satisfy the rowdy crowd, as the board had to face the music at an emotional meeting where speakers rallied behind Max and the original script.

Finally, some sense prevailed as the board unanimously voted to reinstate the original cast and standard version of the production. Hallelujah! It’s about time someone stood up for tradition and decency.

And of course, Max and his supporters went on and on about how they felt validated and empowered. It’s like they think they’ve won some sort of big victory or something. But we all know who the real winners are here: the good folks who stood their ground and defended the values that once made this country great. Now, let’s hope this sets a precedent for all those other school districts out there and brings them back to their senses.

Written by Staff Reports

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