
Texas Sues Biden Officials Over Voter Citizenship Verification Dispute

Attorney General Ken Paxton of Texas has decided that enough is enough. In a bold move rooted in upholding election integrity, he has taken on none other than the Biden-Harris administration by filing a lawsuit against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas and other federal officials. The lawsuit centers around what can only be described as a blatant disregard for the rule of law when it comes to verifying the citizenship status of a staggering 450,000 registered voters in Texas.

This legal action was prompted by Paxton’s October 7 letter, which laid down the law concerning the federal government’s failure to verify citizenship for individuals registered to vote without proper identification from the state. When voters can sign up without a Texas driver’s license, the question arises—who exactly is casting ballots in the Lone Star State? Paxton’s letter made it clear that federal law mandates the provision of this critical information, but evidently, the Biden administration is too busy focusing on other priorities to care about the integrity of Texas elections.

Texas officials have been waiting on crucial information that is legally required to ensure that noncitizens, who have no business voting, do not slip through the cracks. While it is likely that the vast majority of voters in question are legitimate, the lack of information leaves a cloud of uncertainty hanging over the electoral process. For Texas leery of any election improprieties, this is a nightmare scenario, which makes Paxton’s insistence on compliance from Washington all the more pressing.

Instead of addressing the issue head-on, the Biden-Harris administration has opted to ignore this legal obligation, much to the chagrin of state officials. With the Texas Secretary of State stepping up as a co-plaintiff in Paxton’s lawsuit, it’s clear that there is a united front against an administration that seems disinterested in following the law. Paxton characterized this failure to comply as yet another “obstacle” created by Washington, revealing a pattern of leniency towards potential voter fraud.

As the clock ticks on the administration’s legal obligations, Paxton remains undeterred in his quest to ensure that Texas elections are free and fair. For a state proud of its independence and strong adherence to lawful practices, this lawsuit sends a clear message: the people of Texas refuse to allow their electoral system to be compromised by a federal administration that can’t seem to grasp the importance of legality in voting. Expect further developments in this legal showdown, as Paxton and Texas continue to hold the Biden administration accountable.

Written by Staff Reports

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