
Texas Turmoil: Cross-Dressing Shooter Unleashes Chaos at Osteen’s Church!

Wow, hold onto your cowboy hats, folks! The drama continues in the Lone Star State, as a wild shooting incident just went down at Houston’s massive Lakewood Church. And get this: the shooter was none other than a person living as a woman, who had a “Free Palestine” slogan emblazoned on the rifle used in the chaos. Yee-haw, talk about a Texas-sized shocker!

According to reports, the trigger-happy individual in question goes by the name of Genesse Ivonne Moreno, previously known as Jeffrey Escalante. Sounds like someone’s got more aliases than a bank robber on the run! And if that wasn’t eyebrow-raising enough, this gal has quite the rap sheet, including arrests for assault, forgery, marijuana possession, theft, evading, and unlawful carrying of a weapon. You can’t make this stuff up, folks.

So, picture this: it’s a serene Sunday afternoon and Moreno, sporting a trench coat and a backpack, saunters into the mega-church led by Pastor Joel Osteen. But there’s nothing serene about what happens next. Shots ring out, a 5-year-old boy and a 57-year-old man get hit, and chaos ensues. And get this, Moreno even claims the backpack contains explosives! Thank the stars they didn’t go off. Can you imagine the mess that’d make?

Now, let’s talk heroes. Two good guys with guns, an off-duty Houston police officer and a Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission agent, swoop in and take down Moreno before things escalate even further. And thank the heavens they did, or who knows how much worse this whole ordeal could have been? But the aftermath’s nothing to scoff at either. A young ‘un’s fighting for their life, and an adult’s nursing a wounded leg. It’s a real Texas-sized mess, y’all.

And you know what really grinds this cowpoke’s gears? Those America-hating elites coming out of the woodwork, spewing their hate crime talk and trying to push their grim agenda. I’m talking about none other than Harris County Judge Lina Hidalgo, a Democrat, who’s quick to throw around the “hate crime” label. Can’t these folks catch a break before rushing to politicize a tragedy? It’s all yee-haw this and yee-haw that with the left, I tell ya.

But hey, here’s some good ol’ Texas spirit for you: even in the face of this madness, Pastor Osteen’s riled-up congregation is plumb determined to pray for all involved and march on. That’s the Texas way, folks. We don’t back down, we don’t cower, and we sure as shootin’ don’t let the America-hating left win. So saddle up and stand strong, ’cause we’ve got a country to save and a fight to win!

Written by Staff Reports

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