
The Real Threat to American Sovereignty

Globalism is the fancy term liberals use to make their socialist agenda sound sophisticated. The reality? It's a clear and present danger to our national sovereignty. The idea that we should bend over backwards to accommodate every other nation while neglecting our own is not just foolish—it's a betrayal of the American people.

First off, let’s talk about borders. Remember when having secure borders was considered common sense? Now, globalists want open borders, believing everyone should be allowed to waltz into our country without consequence. This is a recipe for disaster. How can we ensure the safety and prosperity of our citizens if we don't know who's coming in?

Then there's the economy. Globalism has led to countless American jobs being shipped overseas. Factories closed, towns decimated, families left struggling—all because some bureaucrat decided it was more important to support the global economy than to protect American workers. This isn't just an economic issue; it's a matter of national pride and security.

Trade deals under the guise of globalism have been nothing short of disastrous. NAFTA, anyone? These deals have consistently put America last, prioritizing other nations' interests over our own. Why should American workers suffer so that foreign companies can thrive?

And let’s not forget the cultural impact. Globalism pushes a one-world culture, diluting American values and traditions. This isn’t about being anti-immigrant; it’s about preserving what makes America unique. We should celebrate our heritage, not apologize for it.

Finally, globalism undermines our political sovereignty. International bodies like the United Nations continually try to dictate our policies, from gun control to climate change, infringing on our right to self-govern. America was founded on the principle of independence, not on bowing to foreign powers.

Written by Staff Reports

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