
Tijuana Mayor’s Berlin Wall Stunt Mocks Border Security Amid Migration Crisis

Montserrat Caballero, the mayor of Tijuana, has surpassed herself this time! She has decided, in an act that can only be characterized as absurd, to place a section of the Berlin Wall on the U.S.-Mexico border. How could you trust it? During the current migration crisis, she intends to argue for a reduction in border security between our two countries. It appears that she desires anarchy and lawlessness to prevail supreme!

This display, comprised of a 3-ton concrete monolith, has been positioned between a bullring, a lighthouse, and the Pacific Ocean-extending border wall. How suitable. Almost evocative, wouldn't you say? But there's more. The inscription below the display, titled "A World Without Walls," reads, "May this be a lesson to build a society that knocks down walls and builds bridges." Oh, please, Mayor Caballero, spare us the melodramatic nonsense.

It comes as no surprise that former Mexican foreign minister Marcelo Ebrard was present at the unveiling of this absurd spectacle. In fact, he is now the foremost presidential candidate for the upcoming election in Mexico. This demonstrates that these politicians will do whatever it takes to appease the masses and secure their own authority.

According to Mayor Caballero, the wall symbolizes violence, familial separation, and division. While this may be her opinion, it is obvious that she overlooks the significance of enforcing our laws and securing our borders. Yes, we can be compassionate, but we must also prioritize our own citizens' safety and security. It is a delicate balance that must be achieved.

Tijuana, with its close proximity to the U.S.-Mexico border and its double wall infrastructure, has experienced fewer illegal crossings than other areas of the U.S.-Mexico frontier without a border wall. It is almost as if the presence of a physical barrier discourages illegal immigration. Who would have imagined?

While Mayor Caballero may believe she is making a profound statement, it is merely an endeavor to advance her own political agenda. It is time to prioritize the safety and security of our nation and terminate this misguided demonstration. Walls are effective, and it's time that we acknowledge that.

Written by Staff Reports

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