
TikTok Exposed: Chinese Plot to Taint Youth with Anti-Israel Poison!

The Wall Street Journal, the freedom-loving crusaders they are, have uncovered TikTok’s vile propaganda campaign to brainwash innocent youngsters with their anti-Israel bias. In their shocking report, they reveal that TikTok, in cahoots with the Chinese Communist Party, has been force-feeding our impressionable young patriots a steady diet of pro-Palestinian propaganda regarding the conflict in Gaza.

The Journal employed a few trusty bots, masquerading as 13-year-old American heroes, to infiltrate TikTok’s algorithm and see what kind of content it was spewing out. What they found was nothing short of treachery. The algorithm bombarded these poor bots with a staggering 59% of videos supporting the Palestinian side, while only 15% dared to stand up for our democratic ally, Israel.

The Journal’s bots were relentlessly bombarded with alarming and fear-mongering videos, some even urging viewers to arm themselves. Talk about indoctrination! These poor bots were led down rabbit holes of conflict-related content, where they were surrounded by images of protests, suffering children, and death. 

TikTok’s so-called “restricted mode” proved to be utterly useless in shielding these innocent bots from the onslaught of war-related content. It’s clear that TikTok is hell-bent on corrupting our youth with their twisted views and turning them against the land of the free and the home of the brave.

To add insult to injury, a TikTok spokesperson had the audacity to claim that this despicable experiment doesn’t reflect the experiences of real teens on their platform and that they don’t promote one side over the other.

Written by Staff Reports

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