
Tlaib Face-Off: Heated Clash Over Hamas Support Exposed!

In a remarkable turn of events, Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib had a heated encounter with Ben Bergquam, the host of Real America’s Voice. What started as a simple confrontation quickly escalated into a shouting match inside Tlaib’s office, with the Congresswoman eventually summoning Capitol Police. The reason for their clash? Tlaib’s support for Hamas, the notorious terrorist organization.

Bergquam wasted no time in sharing the interaction, posting it on social media and labeling Tlaib as a “Jihad squad member.” He expressed his concerns over allowing individuals like Tlaib to represent the government while actively working against it. The host called for Tlaib’s censure, emphasizing the need to secure our borders and deport any sympathizers of terrorism.

This incident comes as no surprise, considering Tlaib’s history of anti-Israeli statements. She has even gone as far as accusing the Jewish state of bombing a hospital. But that’s not all – Tlaib continues to spread disinformation about Hamas, despite it being thoroughly debunked. In a recent social media post, she falsely claimed that Israel had bombed a Baptist Hospital and killed hundreds of innocent Palestinians.

However, multiple sources have confirmed that the hospital was likely hit by an errant rocket fired by the Islamic Jihad, a group closely associated with Hamas. Israeli Defense Force spokesman Jonathan Conricus pointed out that Hamas uses civilians as shields and manipulates their own people for their despicable cause.

As Tlaib approached her office, it was hard to ignore the glaring United Auto Workers poster and Palestinian flag proudly displayed alongside the American flag. Bergquam wasted no time in questioning her support for Hamas, prompting Tlaib to accuse him of dehumanizing Palestinians. But the host was quick to respond, firmly stating that she was the one supporting terrorists.

Tensions continued to rise as Bergquam documented the whole encounter. He reported that Tlaib could be heard shouting from inside her office, eventually leading her to summon Capitol Police. In a moment of lightheartedness, Bergquam shared a less-than-flattering image of Tlaib on social media, capturing the face she made when confronted about her support for Hamas terrorists.

This incident serves as a stark reminder of the dangerous ideologies some members of Congress hold. Tlaib’s unwavering support for terrorists and her willingness to spread disinformation are concerning, to say the least. It is crucial that we hold our elected officials accountable and demand better representation for the American people. Our nation’s security should never be compromised for political gain.

Written by Staff Reports

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