
Tlaib’s Tantrum: Hamas Sympathizer Confronted, Calls Cops

Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib, the self-proclaimed member of the “Jihad squad,” is causing quite the uproar once again. This time, she had a run-in with Real America’s Voice host Ben Bergquam, and boy, did things get heated!

Tlaib, known for her vocal support of the Hamas-run Palestinian Authority, couldn’t handle being confronted about her dangerous alliances. When Bergquam questioned her on her support for terrorists and her disdain for Israel, Tlaib immediately became defensive and started shouting. It’s no surprise that she couldn’t handle the truth!

Bergquam captured the tense interaction and shared it online for the world to see. He rightfully called for Tlaib to be censured, but let’s be honest, that’s just the tip of the iceberg. How did America get to a point where we allow people like Tlaib to represent our government? It’s baffling!

It’s not just Tlaib’s anti-Israel statements that have people up in arms, but also her spreading of Hamas disinformation. She actually had the audacity to accuse Israel of bombing a hospital, even though it was thoroughly debunked. Talk about spreading falsehoods and blatant lies!

To make matters worse, Tlaib continues to defend her outrageous claims. She posted on social media, blaming the United States and Israel for the deaths of innocent Palestinians. Can you believe the nerve of this woman? It’s clear she has no regard for the truth or the lives of those affected by her lies.

As it turns out, the hospital Tlaib accused Israel of attacking was actually hit by a rocket fired by Hamas. It’s no secret that these terrorists use innocent civilians as shields, but Tlaib seems to be blinded by her own agenda. She either fell victim to their manipulation or willingly joined their ranks. Either way, it’s disgraceful.

During the confrontation with Bergquam, Tlaib tried to deflect by accusing him of dehumanizing Palestinians. But let’s set the record straight here – he was simply asking her to denounce Hamas, a terrorist organization. It’s not dehumanizing to ask someone to condemn terrorists, it’s common sense!

As Tlaib retreated into her office, she could be heard yelling and even summoned Capitol Police. Clearly, she couldn’t handle being questioned about her dangerous affiliations. Maybe she should take a minute to reflect on her beliefs and the consequences they have on innocent lives.

It’s no wonder that Bergquam posted a less than flattering image of Tlaib later on. The expression on her face perfectly captures her outrage at being confronted with the truth. And in all honesty, after witnessing her behavior, I can’t help but agree with Bergquam when he said, “I don’t want to be here anymore.” I think many Americans would feel the same way when faced with Tlaib’s radical agenda.

It’s time for Americans to wake up and see the danger that individuals like Rashida Tlaib pose to our country. We cannot afford to have lawmakers who actively work against our government and support terrorists. It’s time to secure our borders and deport all terrorist sympathizers. Our safety and the future of our nation depend on it.

Written by Staff Reports

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