
Top Dem Admits Left’s Biden Age Panic With Senate on the Line

In a recent speech to a group of Maryland Democrats, Rep. David Trone (D-MD) couldn’t resist poking fun at President Joe Biden’s age, joking that he wished Biden was “10 years younger.” The crowd roared with laughter, but Trone’s quip revealed a deeper truth: even Democrats are starting to worry about Biden’s mental sharpness.

Trone, who is eyeing a run for the Senate in 2024, took the opportunity to throw shade at Biden, suggesting that the president’s age is a cause for concern. As if that wasn’t enough, he made light of the whole situation, saying, “Who here doesn’t wish he was 10 years younger? I know I do. I really do!” It seems like Trone couldn’t resist taking a dig at the leader of his own party, and the fact that it drew laughs from fellow Democrats says a lot about the underlying anxiety surrounding Biden.

While Trone’s jest may have amused some, it lays bare the unease within the Democratic ranks about Biden’s ability to lead. Despite the apparent attempt at humor, one can’t help but wonder if this is a sign of growing doubt among Democrats about Biden’s fitness for the presidency.

To add insult to injury, Trone’s comments come as he gears up to face the centrist Republican Larry Hogan in the Senate race, with recent polls showing the two neck and neck. It seems like Trone may be looking to score political points by latching onto the concerns many Americans have about Biden’s age and mental acuity.

But in a feeble attempt at damage control, Trone tried to downplay his remarks, insisting that he has “no real concerns about the president’s age” and even throwing in another joke for good measure. Despite his efforts to walk back his comments, it’s clear that Trone’s initial jab at Biden’s age has struck a nerve within the Democratic Party.

Ultimately, Trone’s snarky remarks about Biden’s age may have landed him in hot water, especially as other House Democrats are either skirting around the issue or trying to spin it as a positive. It’s evident that Trone’s joke may have ruffled a few feathers, both among Democrats and Republicans, and could come back to haunt him as he vies for a Senate seat in 2024.

Written by Staff Reports

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