
Top Democrat Clyburn Set to Urge Biden to Exit 2024 Race Amid Growing Concerns

As more Democrat lawmakers join the chorus calling for Joe Biden to bow out of the presidential race, the influential Rep. James Clyburn of South Carolina seems poised to echo that sentiment. Clyburn hinted at an impending conversation with Biden to deliver a candid evaluation of his standing with voters post-debate debacle. The once pivotal figure in Biden’s primary win in South Carolina now appears ready to stick a fork in him.

Rep. Lloyd Doggett of Texas was the first to publicly urge Biden to step aside, citing concerns about his consistent polling lag behind Democratic senators and his inability to effectively counter Trump’s falsehoods. The irony of Democrats condemning Trump’s lies while ignoring Biden’s own history of falsehoods is hard to miss.

Former Rep. Tim Ryan has added his voice to the chorus, suggesting that Kamala Harris should take Biden’s place as the Democratic nominee. Ryan’s disappointment in Biden’s recent performance underscores a growing trend among Democrats seeking an alternative candidate. 


With several Democrat governors expressing worry over Biden’s mental acuity post-debate, a meeting has been scheduled to address their concerns. The prospect of Harris stepping in to reassure the governors adds another layer of intrigue to Biden’s increasingly precarious position.

Whether Biden remains in the race or decides to step aside, the political landscape is poised for a shakeup. The Democrats’ allegiance to Biden may be wavering, but the implications of his potential exit on the 2024 election are not lost on anyone. Politics, as always, proves to be a fascinating and unpredictable arena.

Written by Staff Reports

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