
Top DOJ Official Debunks Hunter Biden Interference Claims

Whew! Hold on tight, folks, because we’ve got some juicy news that’s sure to ruffle a few feathers on the left! It turns out that a top Justice Department official, Matthew Graves, has denied blocking any investigation into the notorious Hunter Biden. Yep, you heard that right! CNN reported that Graves gave his testimony under oath, stating that he worked closely with then-U.S. Attorney David Weiss on the Hunter Biden case but ultimately decided not to bring any charges against him.

Now, you may be wondering why this is such a big deal. Well, my dear friends, let me tell you. We’ve had whistleblowers coming out left and right, claiming they witnessed interference in the investigation into Hunter Biden’s alleged crimes. But with Graves’ testimony dismissing these claims, it leaves the Democrats and Biden lawyers feeling mighty relieved. After all, these whistleblowers have been quite the headache for them, especially while they were working tirelessly to secure a sweet deal for Hunter Biden, allowing him to dodge jail time despite owing millions in taxes.

But hold your horses; there’s still a lot we don’t know about Hunter Biden’s shady activities. Like, who in the world gave him all that money to cover his tax debts? And why do all these foreign businesses seem to be raining money on him? Can we trust that he reported all those transactions and paid the necessary taxes? These questions may not directly relate to the interference claims, but they sure do add to the buzz surrounding this scandal.

Now, some may say that this testimony clears Joe Biden of any wrongdoing in protecting his son. Maybe, just maybe, he’s innocent in this instance. But don’t you worry, fellow conservatives, because we’ve still got plenty to focus on. For instance, did Hunter Biden use his father’s influence to score those millions from foreign businesses? And what about ol’ Joe potentially interfering in the 2024 election by urging his DOJ to cook up some bogus charges against our beloved former President Donald Trump? The man just can’t resist, can he?

You see, my friends, there are so many unanswered questions swirling around, it’s hard to know where to start. Discrediting a couple of whistleblowers is just scratching the surface. The truth is out there, waiting to be unearthed. So let’s keep digging, keep questioning, and keep fighting for the transparency and accountability our great nation deserves. Stay tuned, my fellow conservatives, because this scandal is far from over!

Written by Staff Reports

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