
Top Exec Archer Blows Whistle on Biden’s Secret Business Deals!

President Joe Biden’s repeated claims of having no knowledge of his son’s business activities are starting to unravel, according to Republican Rep. Nancy Mace. Mace revealed that Hunter Biden’s former business partner, Devon Archer, is set to testify next week that the president was present during meetings. Archer, who previously served time for his involvement in a fraudulent bond scheme, worked alongside Hunter at the controversial Ukrainian energy company, Burisma. Mace emphasized Archer’s close relationship with Hunter, stating that he knows all the secrets and that his testimony will likely show Joe Biden’s direct involvement. Mace questions why Biden would lie if he did nothing wrong and calls for a thorough investigation.

If Archer’s testimony indeed contradicts Biden’s denials, it would undermine the president’s credibility. In 2019, Biden claimed to have never discussed his son’s business dealings with him or anyone else. He repeated this assertion during a Democratic presidential debate, declaring that he had not spoken to his son about anything related to Ukraine. However, if Archer’s testimony proves otherwise, it would demonstrate that Biden had knowledge of and involvement in his son’s international business affairs. These revelations raise concerns about potential conflicts of interest and the need to hold the president accountable for his actions.

Conservatives like Rep. Mace are demanding transparency and want to uncover the truth behind Biden’s alleged falsehoods. They argue that if the president had nothing to hide, he should have been honest from the start. The American people deserve to know whether Biden knowingly misled the public about his involvement with his son’s overseas business dealings. It is crucial for Congress to thoroughly investigate this matter and get to the bottom of it. Biden’s credibility and trustworthiness are at stake, and it is essential to hold him accountable if he did lie about his knowledge and involvement.

Written by Staff Reports

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