
Trump Advisor Unveils Game-Changing Patriot Legal Defense Strategy!

In a recent interview with RedState media, Lynne Patton, a senior advisor to the Trump campaign and a trusted member of the Trump family, addressed the inaccurate reports about President Donald J. Trump and the Patriot Legal Defense Fund. Patton quickly dismissed claims that the fund was abandoning Trump’s staffers and allies, stating that their true goal was to cover the legal expenses of those who have been wrongly targeted in an effort to indict and convict the former president.

When discussing the creation of the fund with Trump, Patton recounted an amusing exchange where the former president expressed concern about raising money for his own legal bills, given his vast wealth. However, they both recognized that it was essential to have an effective campaign, and that meant ensuring Trump’s legal bills were covered. Patton praised the American people for their understanding of the situation and their willingness to support the cause.

The Patriot Legal Defense Fund is not only focused on defense but also offense. Patton emphasized that they plan to support investigators and provide trial support to counter the prosecutors funded by taxpayers. She pointed out the unfair advantage these prosecutors have had with years to prepare their case, while Trump and his allies have had to wait and see what was coming at them. Patton criticized the short timeline given to Trump and his team to prepare, calling it a violation of their right to an effective counsel.

Patton expressed her outrage at the treatment of Trump’s staffers and allies, stating that they are being targeted and harassed unlawfully. She emphasized the importance of preventing their lives from being destroyed and ensuring they have proper legal representation. Patton acknowledged the need to be cautious in covering the costs of co-defendants and potential witnesses, but assured that the fund would do everything in its power to support everyone they can.

Drawing from the lessons of the Russian Collusion Hoax, which cost Trump’s super PAC over $20 million in legal fees, Patton explained that the Patriot Legal Defense Fund aims to prevent a similar situation. She highlighted the distractions caused by the hoax and the attempts to bankrupt Trump’s reelection campaign. By creating this fund, Patton hopes to protect Trump and his allies from such malicious attacks in the future.

In conclusion, Patton urged every registered Republican and American citizen to be outraged by the injustice faced by Trump and his allies. She labeled it as preemptive election interference, reminiscent of third-world authoritarian countries. With the help of the Patriot Legal Defense Fund, Trump’s staffers and allies can fight back against these baseless charges and ensure that justice is served.

Written by Staff Reports

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