
Trump Battles Biased Judges Over Rightful Presidential Immunity

In Washington, DC, Donald Trump headed to a federal courthouse for a hearing about whether he can be prosecuted while not in office. The three-judge panel grilled Trump’s lawyer, John Sauer, about Trump’s claim that he should be immune from prosecution because his actions were part of his job as president.

Sauer argued that prosecuting a president for official acts would cause irreparable harm to the nation. The judges, including one appointed by the late President George H. W. Bush and two appointed by President Joe Biden, challenged Sauer with scenarios like ordering an assassination and questioned whether a president could be charged. Sauer referred to the Impeachment Judgment Clause of the Constitution, saying that a president must first be impeached and convicted by Congress.

The prosecutor, Jack Pearce, argued that Trump’s immunity claims would put him above the law. Sauer disagreed, saying that immunity for a president is an essential part of the law. He also mentioned the Federalist Papers and Chief Justice John Marshall’s opinion in Marbury v. Madison to support the argument for presidential immunity from prosecution.

One judge briefly brought up the legality of the special counsel’s appointment, but Sauer did not focus on that issue. The judges hinted that they might not have jurisdiction to decide on immunity, which could mean the trial would proceed without considering Trump’s immunity claim until after a potential conviction. The U.S. Supreme Court is likely to address the immunity issue.

The case is still ongoing, and a ruling may come in the next several weeks before the trial is scheduled to begin. The case is United States v. Trump, No. 23-3228. Bradley Jaye, a Capitol Hill Correspondent for Breitbart News, provided this report.

Donald Trump’s appearance in court has brought to light the relentless attacks from the liberal judges, who seem determined to undermine the former president’s right to immunity. The biased attacks on Trump by the Biden-appointed judges are a clear indication of the lengths the left will go to in their quest to persecute a conservative leader. Despite the attempts to deny him his rights, Trump’s legal team passionately defended his immunity, citing the Constitution and historical precedent to support their case.

It’s clear that the liberal judges are playing dirty by hinting that they might not have the jurisdiction to decide on immunity, forcing the trial to proceed without taking Trump’s immunity claim into account. This is a disgraceful attempt to deny Trump the fair treatment he deserves. But fear not, as the case is ongoing, and the U.S. Supreme Court is likely to step in and ensure that justice is served for our beloved former president.

Stay tuned for updates on this ongoing battle for justice as Donald Trump fights to protect his rights and his honor against the relentless attacks from the left. Despite the biased attempts to deny him his immunity, Trump and his legal team remain steadfast in their fight for truth and justice. We will not let the liberal judges and their dirty tactics prevail in their quest to persecute our conservative champion.

Written by Staff Reports

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