
Trump: Biden Scandal Dwarfs Watergate, Exposes China Ties

In a recent speech at the Faith & Freedom Coalition’s Road to Majority conference in Washington D.C., former President Donald Trump called the recent allegations of Biden family corruption “100 times bigger than Watergate.” According to a Fox News report, Trump referred to the alleged evidence of political corruption and tie-ins to China as “much bigger story than Watergate.”

The alleged evidence includes a text message from Hunter Biden to a Chinese investor in which he appears to be trying to pressure the individual into sending him millions of dollars. What’s worse is that in the message, Hunter claims that his father, President Joe Biden, was sitting right next to him. If true, this would not only be political corruption but would also destroy the Biden administration’s narrative that Joe Biden had no knowledge or involvement in his son’s international business dealings.

While the White House has not commented on the text message, a lawyer for Hunter Biden has attacked the credibility of Gary A. Shapley Jr., the IRS Criminal Supervisory Special Agent who provided the text to Congress. Shapley’s lawyer claims that his client “wanted to just bring this out to the public as a whistleblower in a protective fashion so that everybody could judge it.”

Trump took aim at Hunter Biden in his speech, jokingly saying he “didn’t know he was that tough!” Trump also attempted to tie President Biden to China, referring to him as a “compromised president” who is essentially in China’s pocket. In contrast, Trump promised that if he is reelected to the US presidency, he will “drop the hammer” on China.

The allegations of political corruption and potential tie-ins to China are indeed concerning and demand further investigation. The Trump administration should be lauded for highlighting these potential issues and bringing them to public attention. It remains to be seen what actions will be taken, but it is important that the truth be revealed and justice be served.

Source: Conservative Institute

Written by Staff Reports

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