
Trump Blasts Biden’s Beach Bum Presidency!

Former President Donald Trump is not holding back in his latest interview with Breitbart News, where he’s calling out Democrat President Joe Biden for what he claims to be excessive vacationing. Trump is letting it be known that he believes Biden is spending too much time relaxing on the beach and not enough time actually working. As far as Trump is concerned, when Biden is at the beach, he’s avoiding his responsibilities as president.

When addressing the issues at the border during the Biden administration, Trump expressed his regret that Biden didn’t follow his policies and instead chose to hit the beach. According to Trump, if Biden had just sat on the beach and tried to lift a three-ounce chair, the country would be faring much better. Trump also made it clear that during his own vacations as president, he was always actively working and making himself available for important calls and meetings with world leaders and lawmakers.

Trump also took the opportunity to highlight his own vacation habits as president, emphasizing that even when he was at his Mar-a-Lago resort, he was constantly engaged in work-related activities and meetings. He proudly referred to his resort as the “Southern White House” and stated that he always ensured his schedule was packed with important business, regardless of his location. He made a point to emphasize how he prioritized his responsibilities, even while on vacation.

Trump conveyed his frustration with Biden’s vacationing habits, claiming that Biden makes himself completely unavailable and refuses to take any calls or meetings while on vacation. He called attention to Biden’s extensive vacation time, noting that the president spent more than a third of the past year away from work. Trump highlighted that in 2023 alone, Biden spent 138 days on vacation, which equates to 37 percent of his time not working. Additionally, he pointed out that over the course of his entire presidency, Biden has spent 417 days on vacation, which amounts to 39 percent of his time in office.

To further emphasize Biden’s vacation frequency, Trump compared it to previous presidents, noting that Biden has taken more vacation days than Barack Obama, George W. Bush, and even himself during their entire presidencies. Trump is not holding back in expressing his dissatisfaction with what he views as Biden’s lack of dedication to his presidential duties. This is certainly not the last we’ll hear from Trump on the matter, as he hinted at more insights to come in future interviews.


Written by Staff Reports

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