
Trump Blasts DeWine’s Betrayal on Youth Gender Law Veto

Former President Trump slammed Ohio Governor Mike DeWine for vetoing the Save Adolescents from Experimentation (SAFE) Act, which would have banned sex change surgery for minors and prohibited biological boys and men from competing in female sports. DeWine defended his veto by arguing that the government should not interfere with the medical decisions of parents and their children. He claimed that the veto is about “protecting human life” and emphasized the importance of parental and medical input in such decisions.

Not surprisingly, Trump did not hold back his criticism of DeWine, declaring that the governor had “fallen to the Radical Left.” He also took a jab at DeWine’s reception at rallies, revealing that he won’t be introducing him anymore. Trump was adamant that the legislature should swiftly overturn the veto, expressing his disappointment in the governor’s decision to block a bill that aimed to prevent “child mutilation” and maintain fairness in women’s sports.

It’s clear that DeWine’s veto has sparked strong reactions from various conservative commentators and individuals like Chloe Cole, who shared her own experience and disagreed with DeWine’s assertion about the link between surgery and suicide. Cole emphasized the need for psychiatric help for children struggling with gender dysphoria and called for DeWine’s expulsion from office if he truly believes in correcting what she believes are “perfectly healthy children.”


Written by Staff Reports

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