
Trump Blasts Kemp: Atlanta’s Crime Crisis Ignored for “Perfect Phone Call” Drama!

Former President Donald Trump is not holding back his criticism of Governor Brian Kemp of Georgia. Trump is taking aim at Kemp for his resistance to the impeachment of Fani Willis, the District Attorney of Fulton County. Trump is not mincing words, accusing Willis of worsening crime rates in Atlanta, particularly when it comes to homicides. He claims that Atlanta now holds the dubious title of having the “WORST IN NATION” crime rates. And you know what, folks? Trump isn’t wrong.

The push for Willis’s impeachment is being spearheaded by state Sen. Colton Moore, who claims to have secured enough support to convene a special session. But hold on just a minute, Kemp’s office says there is no evidence of this majority backing. It seems like Moore might be blowing smoke out of you-know-where. Governor Kemp is right to question the validity of these claims. We can’t just jump into an impeachment without concrete evidence, can we?

But Trump isn’t having any of this. He took to his favorite social media platform, Truth Social, to berate Governor Kemp for his defense of the “crooked, incompetent, & highly partisan” District Attorney Fani Willis. Trump believes Willis should be focusing on the out-of-control murder rates rather than trying to take him down for that “Perfect Phone Call.” And you know what, folks? Trump has a point. We shouldn’t be wasting time and taxpayer money on politically motivated attacks when there are lives at stake.

The debate over Willis’s potential impeachment took an unexpected turn when Garrison Douglas, a spokesperson for Governor Kemp, told Fox News Digital that there is no confirmation of the majority support claimed by Moore. It seems like Moore might be getting a little ahead of himself. And let’s be real here, folks. If Moore wants to impeach Willis, he better have his ducks in a row. We can’t just go around making baseless accusations. That’s not how justice works.

State Sen. Moore, however, is not backing down. He is calling for an emergency session to review the actions of Fani Willis because he believes “America is under attack.” Moore isn’t going to stand by and watch as radical left prosecutors target political opponents. And you know what, folks? Good for Senator Moore. We need politicians who are willing to take a stand against the abuses of power we see running rampant in our justice system. It’s about time someone stepped up to defend the Constitution and the rule of law.

As the battle over Willis’s impeachment rages on, Governor Kemp’s office is staying mum on the matter. They won’t comment further because the governor was subpoenaed in the case back in 2022. It’s understandable that Kemp’s office wants to avoid any potential conflicts of interest. But it does raise some questions, folks. Why was Kemp subpoenaed? What does he know that we don’t? It’s time for the truth to come out. We need transparency and accountability in our government.

State Sen. Moore has even started an official petition calling for an investigation into Willis’s actions. He believes she has abused her power by going after Trump and is demanding that her office be defunded until clarity is achieved. Moore is rallying his colleagues in the Georgia legislature to stand up for justice and hold Willis accountable. And let me tell you, folks, it’s about time someone did. We can’t let these politically motivated prosecutors run amok. It’s time to clean up our justice system and restore the faith of the American people.

In response to the impeachment push, Cody Hall, one of Governor Kemp’s top aides, made a pointed remark. He asked, “Where have I heard special session, changing decades-old law, and overturning constitutional precedent before?” Ah, yes, folks. Hall is referring to the lead-up to the 2021 Senate runoffs, where Republicans lost. It seems like this impeachment push might just be another attempt by the left to change the rules when they don’t get their way. We’ve seen this song and dance before, and it didn’t end well for conservatives.

So, let’s take a step back and assess the situation, folks. Governor Kemp is rightly questioning the evidence behind the impeachment push. Trump is calling out Willis for her failure to address the crime wave in Atlanta. State Sen. Moore is leading the charge for justice and accountability. And Governor Kemp’s office is keeping a tight lid on the matter. It’s a political circus, but we need to remember what’s at stake here: the safety and well-being of the American people. Let’s hope the truth prevails, and justice is served.

Written by Staff Reports

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