
Trump Charms Independents, Biden’s Grip Slips for 2024 Duel

The upcoming 2024 presidential election is already heating up, and it looks like the key to victory might just lie in the hands of Independent voters. These elusive centrists hold all the power, and it seems like they are leaning right towards former President Donald Trump once again. It’s quite a blow to President Joe Biden, who won over Independents in 2020 but has since lost their support.


The New York Times recently conducted a focus group of Independent voters, and it’s clear as day that many of them are feeling the Trump vibe. In fact, a whopping 11 out of 13 participants indicated that they were leaning towards Trump, leaving the liberal mainstream media in a state of shock. It’s about time the leftist media acknowledged the dissatisfaction with Biden’s presidency, especially since even The New York Times previously reported on Biden’s missteps.

It’s not just talk – the polls are showing that Trump is gaining ground with Independents. Across various swing states like Michigan, Nevada, Arizona, and Wisconsin, Trump is leading Biden. RealClearPolling indicates that Trump currently has a slight lead over Biden, with support from 45 percent of Independent voters compared to Biden’s 27 percent.

And it’s no wonder these Independents are turning their backs on Biden. A staggering 66 percent of them disapprove of his job as president, with 69 percent not even wanting him to run for re-election in 2024. When asked about his ability to fulfill his duties as president if re-elected, 65 percent of Independents expressed concerns that Biden’s health and age would severely limit his capability. It’s no surprise that 75 percent of Independents consider Biden a “weak” leader, with almost half of them saying he is “very weak.”

Even other polls, such as one from NPR/PBS/Marist, show Trump leading with Independents at 50 percent compared to Biden’s 42 percent. It’s clear that Independents are wary of Biden and are leaning towards Trump, who they believe is better equipped to address their important issues, from border security to Supreme Court nominees who uphold the Constitution.

The tide seems to be turning in Trump’s favor, and it will be interesting to see if this shift among Independent voters holds up. With their support, it looks like Trump may just have the edge he needs to secure a victory in the 2024 election.

Written by Staff Reports

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