
Trump Cites Divine Intervention in Survival, Pledges Tougher Border Security at RNC

Former President Donald Trump reminded the nation of his resilience and divine favor during his acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. In his characteristic style, Trump shared a harrowing yet almost unbelievable tale from his recent rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

On July 13, Trump found himself dodging bullets and thanks his life to a well-placed chart on illegal immigration that caught his eye at the critical moment. One can only imagine the scene: Trump, poised and engrossed in the data on the screen, when an assailant decides to play rooftop commando. Divine intervention? Trump thinks so, and he didn’t hesitate to proclaim it to the raucous crowd of supporters at the convention.

Sporting a bandage like it’s the latest fashion accessory, Trump used the moment to hammer home a message dear to his heart: illegal immigration. During the acceptance speech, he pledged that his administration would double down on building the border wall, stiffening crime penalties, and deporting illegal immigrants faster than you can say “sanctuary city.”

But the speech wasn’t just about that near brush with death. Trump laid out his vision for a safer, more secure America, putting border security front and center. He lambasted the Biden administration for the staggering surge in illegal immigration that’s been wreaking havoc since Joe took the reins.

As he spoke, Trump highlighted the miraculous drop in the number monthly illegal immigrant arrests from the Biden administration’s chaotic peak—crediting their so-called executive actions attempting to plug the gaping holes they created. But let’s not kid ourselves; anything short of Trump’s iron-fisted approach would be a leaky band-aid at best.

For those who doubted Trump’s commitment to border security, the recent brush with death, followed by his unwavering resolve at the convention, should set the record straight. Whether it’s divine intervention or a simple stroke of luck, Trump is back, bandaged ear and all, ready to take on the chaos and restore order.

Written by Staff Reports

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