
Trump Crushes 2024 GOP Hopefuls, Takes Lead Over Biden


Former President Donald Trump has once again proven why he is the heavyweight champion of the Republican Party. According to a recent national primary election poll from Morning Consult, Trump is dominating the field of 2024 Republican presidential hopefuls with a staggering 64 percent support from Republican primary voters. Meanwhile, his closest competitor, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, trails far behind with only 14 percent.

It’s clear that Trump’s popularity among conservatives has not waned since leaving office. In fact, the poll also revealed that a plurality of non-Trump supporters listed the former president as their second choice for 2024, suggesting that his support could continue to grow if other candidates drop out. This just goes to show that Trump’s appeal is not limited to his die-hard base, but extends to a wide range of voters within the Republican Party.

As if that weren’t enough, Trump’s chances in a potential rematch against President Joe Biden also look extremely promising. According to the RealClearPolitics polling average, Trump currently leads Biden by 2.6 percentage points nationally. To put this in perspective, this is Trump’s largest lead in the RCP average ever, surpassing his previous record during the 2016 campaign. It’s a clear indication that Trump is not only popular among Republicans, but also has significant appeal to a broader electorate.

But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. It’s important to remember that the 2024 election is still a long way off, and a lot can change in the political landscape before then. However, based on the current polling data, Trump’s chances of reclaiming the White House in 2024 are looking brighter than ever. Of course, this doesn’t sit well with the liberal media, who will do anything to undermine Trump’s popularity and discredit his potential candidacy.

The fact that Trump is leading in key battleground states such as Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Florida, Arizona, Georgia, and Ohio is further proof that he has a formidable coalition of support across the country. These states were crucial to Trump’s victory in 2016, and it looks like he’s poised to carry them again in 2024. His strong showing in these states demonstrates that voters appreciate his pro-growth policies, his tough stance on immigration, and his commitment to putting America first.

While it’s true that anything can happen between now and Election Day, it would be foolish to dismiss Trump’s chances based on the current polling data. He has defied the odds before, and there’s no reason to believe he can’t do it again. Trump is not just the favorite to win the GOP nomination in 2024, but he’s also better positioned in the polls than any Republican nominee since 2004. So, buckle up, liberals, because Trump is back and he’s ready to make America great again, again.

Written by Staff Reports

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Trump Crushes 2024 GOP Hopefuls, Takes Lead Over Biden