
Trump Crushes DeSantis: Georgia’s Unwavering Loyalty Prevails!

In a not-so-shocking turn of events, Fox News reporter Lawrence Jones discovered that Georgia residents overwhelmingly support former President Donald Trump over Florida Governor Ron DeSantis in the race to become the GOP nominee in 2024. It should come as no surprise that the state known for its southern charm and conservative values is firmly Team Trump.

As Jones ventured into a local diner, he posed the question to a group of Georgians, asking if they believed DeSantis would win the primary. The room fell silent, as if Jones had asked the most difficult question in the world. But when Trump’s name was mentioned, the place erupted in cheers and applause. It was a sight to behold, and even Jones couldn’t help but be taken aback. He hilariously quipped, “Should I even ask another candidate at this point?” Clearly, the choice was crystal clear for these patriots.

Now, I must say, Jones walked along the bar, seeking more opinions, and the results were mind-blowing. Every single person he asked confidently answered that Trump would emerge victorious in the election. Talk about unanimous support! Georgia, you never cease to amaze me with your unwavering loyalty to our great leader.

Of course, some might argue that this encounter was just a small sample size and doesn’t truly reflect the sentiments of all Georgians. Well, let me tell you, according to a recent poll by Zogby Analytics, Trump is leading DeSantis by a whopping 55% to 10% among likely Republican voters in Georgia. That’s right, folks, a resounding victory for Trump!

It’s no wonder that Trump is dominating the race in Georgia. He outperformed President Joe Biden in the head-to-head presidential race, especially when you factor in the inclusion of independent candidates Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Cornell West. The comparison is like night and day, with Trump shining like the bright conservative star that he is.

So, let this be a lesson to all those who doubted Trump’s enduring popularity. The people have spoken, and Georgia remains firmly in the grasp of Trump’s unwavering support. It’s time for DeSantis to step aside and let the true champion of conservative values take the lead. Sorry, Governor, better luck next time!

Written by Staff Reports

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