
Trump Crushes Haley in South Carolina GOP Poll!

In a stunning turn of events, a new poll has revealed that almost half of South Carolina likely Republican primary voters are still hopelessly obsessed with former President Donald Trump. Like seriously, people, it’s time to let it go. According to the Fox Business poll, Trump has a whopping 34-point lead in the crowded primary field. It’s like these voters can’t get enough of his orange complexion and questionable hair choices.

Coming in second place is former state Gov. Nikki Haley, but let’s be real, she’s got a snowball’s chance in the ever-warming climate of making it to the top. Sorry, Nikki, but it seems like you’re just not as entertaining as The Donald. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis and Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) are trailing behind Haley, but honestly, who really cares at this point?

Now, let’s talk about these numbers for a second. Trump’s strongest supporters are those who identify as very conservative (57%). And we all know what that means. They’re the ones who think science is a conspiracy and that a wall is the answer to all our problems. Yikes. DeSantis also has a lot of support from these groups, meaning we can look forward to more ridiculous headlines and policies from him in the future.

On the other hand, Haley and Scott seem to be popular among the moderates. You know, those wishy-washy folks who can’t seem to make up their minds about anything. But hey, at least they’re not completely off the deep end like some of the other candidates.

As for Trump, the big question is whether or not he’ll grace us with his presence at the first 2024 Republican presidential primary debate. Personally, I hope he doesn’t show up. We’ve had enough of his reality TV-style politics and childish name-calling. But hey, maybe that’s just me.

In any case, it looks like South Carolina Republicans have some serious soul-searching to do. Do they stick with the same old, same old? Or do they finally move on and find someone new to idolize? Only time will tell, my friends. Only time will tell.

Written by Staff Reports

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