
Trump Declares Victory Over Harris and Media Bias in Heated Debate Showdown

After the latest debate showdown with Vice President Kamala Harris, former President Donald Trump characterized his performance as one of his best yet. Despite the moderators trying to play referee for the liberal side, it was Trump who emerged with the confidence to declare victory—an impressive feat when stacked against a “three-on-one” situation with biased moderators working overtime to fact check him while letting Harris skate by with her own baseless claims.

Trump didn’t hold back in his post-debate analysis, taking aim at ABC News for their blatant partisanship. He labeled the network the “most dishonest news organization,” and rightfully so, given that they constantly jumped in to correct him while actively ignoring Harris’s multiple fabrications. Among her tall tales were inaccuracies about IVF and the economy, none of which seemed to warrant any fact-checking from the moderators. To Trump, this was not just frustrating; it was a disgraceful display of media bias—an all-too-familiar tactic from the left aimed at undermining anyone who poses a challenge to their narrative.

While pondering the prospect of a second debate, Trump remained coy. He compared Harris’s request for a rematch to boxers who quickly call for another bout following a loss. When the chips are down, as they were for Harris, the instinct is to demand a do-over, which just illustrates how desperately she strives for relevance amid dwindling poll numbers. The implication was clear: if anybody should be anxious about another debate, it’s Harris, not Trump.

The former president’s competitive spirit came through when he emphasized that he had a “great night.” His confidence radiated even further when he mentioned a C-SPAN online poll showing him victorious in the debate, showcasing that despite the mainstream media’s narrative, the audience seems to agree with his perspective. Notably, Trump’s supporters thrive on this validation, fostering a sense of loyalty and enthusiasm that is palpable in the lead-up to the next election.

In a world where political machinations often overshadow the truth, Trump’s candid reflections serve not only to bolster his image but to rally his base around the concept of fighting back against a biased system. It’s apparent that the former president is ready to engage in battle again—both against Harris and the media—because the stakes are too high, and the contrast between his values and the left’s cannot be more apparent.

Written by Staff Reports

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