
Trump Defies Liberal Gag Order with Appeal to Top Court

In a brazen move that would make any Democrat’s head spin, former President Donald Trump is fighting tooth and nail against the gag order imposed on him by the Obama-appointed judge, Tanya Chutkan. That’s right, Trump’s legal team is not backing down, and they are not here for any liberal shenanigans.

Trump’s attorneys have taken their battle to the full federal appeals court in Washington, D.C., demanding a review of the gag order that has been cramping the president’s style since October. The audacity! This order prevents Trump from speaking his mind on court officials or engaging in any speech that could be considered witness tampering. As if The Donald would ever tamper with a witness – give us a break!

Well, the fight isn’t over yet. Just a few weeks ago, a three-judge panel of the appeals court agreed that Trump can, in fact, hurl verbal jabs at Jack Smith, the Biden Justice Department special counsel who is accusing him of inciting an insurrection. And we all know that Trump wouldn’t hold back when it comes to calling out political hit jobs. He’s not one to mince words, that’s for sure.

But wait, there’s more. Trump’s lawyers are up in arms about his First Amendment rights being trampled on. They’re arguing that a district court can’t just muffle the political speech of a leading candidate for president. It’s a violation of the rights of over 100 million American voters, and Trump’s legal eagles are not about to let that slide.

And here’s the kicker – if the full appeals court doesn’t give Trump the justice he deserves, he’s ready to take this battle all the way to the U.S. Supreme Court. You know, the highest court in the land. The one that’s already on board to hear Trump’s claim that he’s immune from prosecution. Yeah, that’s the level of confidence we’re talking about here.

As for Jack Smith and his case against Trump, he’s trying to use the president’s private Twitter messages and app usage to make his argument. He’s even asking Judge Chutkan to toss Trump in the clink for violating the gag order. But don’t worry, the judge has sensibly declined to do so. And Trump’s legal team? They’ve got a plan to play the waiting game, stalling the trial with document requests and video footage demands that could stretch things out until after the 2024 elections. Clever, huh?

So, there you have it – Trump isn’t throwing in the towel just yet. If there’s one thing he knows, it’s how to put up a fight. And fight he will, all the way to the end. Just another day in the life of a president who doesn’t take “no” for an answer!

Written by Staff Reports

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