
Trump Dominates Harris in July Polls Highlighting Democrat Struggles

In a recent turn of events that should have Democrat strategists sweating bullets, former President Donald Trump is dominating Vice President Kamala Harris in 13 national polls released throughout July. The results clearly indicate that Harris doesn’t seem to fare any better against Trump than President Biden, who has already been dealt a fatal blow in terms of political viability.

Polling data indicates that Harris trails her predecessor by a significant margin, with her favorability rating coming in just one measly point below Biden’s. Yet somehow, the Democratic establishment continues to cling to the notion that she could be a formidable opponent in the upcoming election. Trump took a bold stance on Sunday, declaring that beating Harris would be a walk in the park compared to going up against Biden, who has more or less been nudged out of the race by his party’s powerhouses.

Skeptics of the internal Democratic polling should look no further than a survey from former Obama pollster Fernand Amandi, which claims Harris leads Trump by a pitiful one point. Perhaps Amandi miscalculated the mood of the electorate, or maybe he forgot about everyone’s growing frustration with Harris’s incompetence. Regardless, it is worth noting that Amandi’s findings clash dramatically with the overwhelming majority of recent polls signaling Trump’s unmistakable advantage.

What really adds fuel to the fire is the apparent behind-the-scenes machinations involving former President Obama, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and the Democratic leadership, who seemed to privately convene about Biden stepping aside. Their reluctance to openly endorse a Harris coronation only underscores their awareness of her weaknesses. The carefully orchestrated leaks from several Democrat insiders suggest they are keenly aware that forcing Harris into the spotlight could result in a disastrous repeat of the 2020 campaign mess.

The significant discrepancy between the internal polling and the newfound public rage against Biden and Harris sets up a fascinating narrative. The Democrats seem caught in a tumultuous struggle, and it isn’t hard to imagine that many within the party are desperately clutching at straws while trying to figure out how to unite behind a candidate that could actually appeal to voters. As the clock ticks down to November, the apparent lack of confidence in Harris has set a comedic tone that only the Democrats could craft. After all, trying to channel every ounce of energy against a Trump rally is like bringing a butter knife to a gunfight.

All in all, as the polls illustrate Trump’s comfortable lead, it appears the Democrats should brace themselves for a rocky road ahead – one that could see them pitted against a candidate they appear to be struggling to rally around. While this may add some intrigue and drama to the election season, for the average conservative, this could be the golden opportunity Trump supporters have been waiting for.

Written by Staff Reports

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