
Trump Expands ICE Detention Despite Dems Opposition and Union Job Perks

President Donald Trump is gearing up to enlarge the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) detention capacity, aiming to keep more criminal illegal aliens off the streets and behind bars. As expected, the Democratic Party is throwing a tantrum, protesting the move even though jobs created at the new detention center will go to Teamsters union members. Apparently, labor unions don’t mean as much to the left as keeping criminals safe in their cozy sanctuaries.

Last month, ICE officials announced the much-anticipated “imminent reopening” of the Delaney Hall detention center in Newark, New Jersey. Yes, that’s right—Newark, a sanctuary jurisdiction that seems to pull out all the stops to protect lawbreakers. With a capacity to accommodate up to 1,000 criminal illegal aliens, this facility couldn’t have a better location, nestled near Newark Liberty International Airport. Perfect for ICE to send these criminals where they belong, far away from American communities.

According to the then-Acting ICE Director, Caleb Vitello, this facility marks a refreshing new approach for the agency under the Trump administration. The objective is straightforward: to expedite the processing of those in custody while fulfilling Trump’s unwavering commitment to arrest, detain, and remove illegal aliens. With over 47,000 beds currently occupied, ICE needs this expansion now more than ever, and Democrats are still out there talking about, oh I don’t know, “immigrants’ rights” and “the Constitution.” 


Enter Newark Mayor Ras Baraka, who is trying to play the role of a benevolent guardian for illegal aliens while simultaneously running for governor in New Jersey. Baraka is throwing up bureaucratic roadblocks and claiming that without fulfilling certain city property-use requirements, Delaney Hall shouldn’t be allowed to reopen. Not to mention his grandstanding about how “ICE’s stated intention is a thin veil.” It seems Baraka is more concerned with protecting those who break the law than maintaining law and order.

Senators Cory Booker and Andy Kim are also falling in line with this anti-law-and-order agenda, denouncing the reopening of Delaney Hall. They prefer alternatives like open borders and cushy sanctuary policies. Kim took the opportunity to lament about corporate profiteering rather than admit that the immigration system is a hot mess because of lax enforcement.

In a comical twist, mass migration activists recently protested outside Delaney Hall. Clearly, they are confused about the meaning of “justice” as they demand the center stays closed. Baraka joined the circus, accusing Trump of being a “criminal” and somehow connecting ICE’s operations to a fish market raid in Newark—because if there’s anything that speaks to immigration policy, it’s a fish market, right? These antics just highlight how far the left is willing to go to protect their vision of a lawless society. Meanwhile, the Trump administration is eyeing opportunities to expand ICE’s reach further by reopening other shuttered prisons, part of a robust plan to put law and order back at the forefront of immigration policy.

Written by Staff Reports

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