
Trump Exposes Media Lies on Rally Crowds, MAGA Stronger Than Ever!

Former President Donald Trump lambasted the “Fake News” media on Wednesday, accusing them of spreading falsehoods about the enormous turnouts at his lively campaign rallies. Trump argued that while pictures posted online from some of his events this year showed empty seats, they were taken out of context by the biased media. In a post on his Truth Social platform, Trump asserted that the “Lamestream Media” was trying to deceive people into believing that the venues weren’t packed to the brim with enthusiastic supporters.

According to Trump, the media would take photos of momentarily vacated seats or areas and use them to concoct false narratives about the attendance at his rallies. He vehemently refuted these claims by emphasizing that his events consistently draw tremendous crowds because of his unwavering commitment to American greatness. He insisted that thousands of people are turned away at the door and that there are never any empty seats, as his “Make America Great Again” movement is as popular as ever.

The former president’s remarks on his Truth Social platform highlighted the mainstream media’s lack of credibility, which, according to him, is causing several news organizations to plummet into failure. He criticized the media for their biased reporting and alleged attempts to undermine his movement. Trump further alluded to his strong polling position in the upcoming 2024 presidential election, claiming that he still commands an impressive following and even leads in several polls against President Joe Biden.

The disparity between media coverage of Trump rallies and those of President Biden’s campaign events was not lost on the former president. He and his supporters were quick to point out the media’s apparently inconsistent scrutiny of crowd sizes. They juxtaposed the media’s hyperfocus on Trump’s rally attendance with the sparse turnouts at Biden’s events, suggesting that the discrepancy was a clear indicator of biased reporting.

As the 2024 election cycle loomed, the diminishing attention on crowd sizes was declared to be inconsequential in comparison to the nation’s pressing issues. The article from The Western Journal underscored the urgency of combating inflation, border invasions, geopolitical conflicts, and rising crime rates under President Biden’s leadership. It depicted Biden’s presidency as a time of turmoil and crisis, advocating for a change in leadership.

The article concluded with a plea for support from its readers and a call for donations to fuel their pursuit of truth and journalistic integrity, positioning themselves as the last bastion of trustworthy news in a world filled with misinformation. The plea emphasized their commitment to fighting against corruption and deception in high places, rallying readers to stand by their side in the battle for truth.

Written by Staff Reports

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