
Trump Exposes MSNBC’s Anti-GOP Onslaught, Warns of Action Ahead

In a scathing message on Truth Social, former President Donald Trump set his sights on MSNBC CEO Brian Roberts, accusing him of using government-approved airwaves to launch relentless attacks against him and his campaign. The ex-president branded Roberts a “slimeball” and alleged that MSNBC engages in illegal political activity by continuously bashing Republicans.

Trump claims that MSNBC is essentially a 24-hour hit job on himself and the Republican Party, accusing Roberts of enabling these constant attacks for years. According to Trump, MSNBC’s liberal hosts frequently make outrageous criticisms, such as suggesting Trump should be jailed, comparing him to Adolf Hitler, or even implying violence against him.

The former president also insinuated that MSNBC’s coverage amounts to a massive political contribution to the Radical Left Democrats, accusing them of destroying the country. Trump hinted ominously at more to come, leaving the threat of further action against MSNBC hanging in the air.

President Trump has a history of clashing with major media networks, including NBC, and has suggested revoking their licenses due to “fake news.” Despite his rhetoric, any attempt to yank a network from the airwaves would face significant challenges, as the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) does not license networks but rather issues them to individual broadcast stations.

Still, the former president’s influence over the FCC should not be underestimated, considering the considerable sway the president holds in the selection of the agency’s chairman and commissioners. This power dynamic has left MSNBC hosts reportedly fearful of potential repercussions under a Trump administration.

In the meantime, Trump seems poised to capitalize on MSNBC’s controversial coverage as a talking point on the campaign trail. By highlighting what he perceives as the network’s most egregious attacks on him, including implications of controlling the Justice Department and advocating for a new Patriot Act targeting conservatives, the former president aims to rally his supporters against the so-called biased media.

Written by Staff Reports

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