
Trump Fights Back: Left’s Plot to Rig 2024 Election Foiled

In a move to protect himself from yet another petty attack, President Trump’s lawyers have taken a lawsuit aimed at disqualifying him from the 2024 ballot to federal court. This procedural victory puts the case in a position where it could potentially be ruled on by the Supreme Court. The lawsuit, filed by the liberal group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (or CREW as they like to call themselves), represents just one part of a vast and unprecedented lawfare campaign designed to rig the 2024 election against the likely Republican candidate, Trump.

This pathetic attempt to remove Trump from the ballot rests on the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution, which, ironically, is supposed to protect individual rights and prevent discrimination. But hey, when has the left ever let facts get in the way of their agenda? It’s laughable how liberals and their so-called “conservative” allies claim that disqualifying Trump is necessary for the preservation of democracy. Last time we checked, democracy meant allowing the people to decide who their president should be, not some group of crybaby liberals with an axe to grind.

However, Trump’s lawyers wasted no time in pointing out the absurdity of this case. They swiftly moved it from Colorado state court to federal court, citing its clear and compelling constitutional implications. It’s almost comical how the left thinks they can trample over the Constitution and get away with it. But Trump isn’t letting them have their way. He’s fighting back, utilizing every legal tool at his disposal to protect his right to run for office if he chooses to do so in 2024.

Let’s not forget that this is not the first time Trump has faced baseless attacks. He was already impeached for supposed “insurrection,” a claim that couldn’t be further from the truth. After all, he left office peacefully and has never been convicted or even accused of insurrection or sedition in any of the four indictments he faces. But that hasn’t stopped the Democrats and Never Trumpers from trying to pull him down using any means necessary.

If Trump emerges victorious in this dispute, which seems highly likely given the frivolous nature of the challenge, it will serve as a major blow to the left’s attempts to manipulate the legal system for political gain. The left’s desperation to keep Trump out of the race only showcases their fear of facing him in a fair election. They know that the American people support Trump and his policies, and they are willing to go to extreme lengths to suppress their voices.

In the end, this entire charade is nothing more than an attack on the principles of democracy and the rights of the American people. We must not let the left’s underhanded tactics prevail. The 2024 election must be decided by the will of the people, not by a group of sore losers who can’t accept the fact that Trump is still a force to be reckoned with. Keep fighting, Mr. President, the silent majority stands with you.

Written by Staff Reports

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