
Trump Jr. Hilariously Exposes Joy Reid’s Hypocrisy, Leaves Crowd in Stitches

In a hilarious and much-needed moment of comedic relief, Donald Trump Jr. brought the house down at the Turning Point Action conference by impersonating the notorious MSNBC host, Joy Reid. The audience couldn’t contain their laughter as Trump Jr. flawlessly portrayed Reid’s controversial comments on affirmative action.

It all started when Trump Jr. admitted that it had been quite some time since he last subjected himself to Reid’s biased ramblings. But boy, was it worth the wait! He couldn’t help but mock Reid’s audacious admission of benefiting from affirmative action. And understandably so, as her confession was nothing short of entertaining.

Imitating Reid’s perplexing words, Trump Jr. captured the essence of her argument, “I went to Harvard, and I would have never gotten into Harvard if it wasn’t for affirmative action. Like, are you kind of like, I don’t understand. Like, you’re saying, I was not academically qualified. I was not particularly good at anything. I wasn’t really bright, but I got into Harvard because of affirmative action.” It’s truly mind-boggling!

But Trump Jr. didn’t stop there. He went on to ask a thought-provoking question that should give every supporter of affirmative action pause, “But don’t you think you took someone’s spot who maybe actually deserved to be there?” It’s a valid inquiry that exposes the flaws in Reid’s logic. You can’t just rely on affirmative action to pave your way while neglecting others who may be more qualified.

With a touch of sarcasm, Trump Jr. jokingly anticipated Ashton Kutcher appearing out of nowhere to reveal that he was being punked. Because really, Reid’s argument is so flawed that it’s difficult to believe she isn’t just playing a part in some grand prank.

Reid’s unintentional self-ownage did not escape Trump Jr.’s attention either. With a hint of disbelief, he marveled, “It’s so nice when they don’t even know that they’re owning themselves.” It’s a perfect example of the left’s blind hypocrisy and lack of self-awareness.

Overall, Donald Trump Jr.’s impersonation of Joy Reid was a welcome respite from the constant barrage of liberal propaganda. It exposed the flaws in Reid’s argument and provided some much-needed levity to a crowd hungry for common sense. Kudos to Trump Jr. for bringing the truth and laughter together!

Written by Staff Reports

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