
Trump Jr. Torpedoes Haley’s VP Dreams, Blasts Globalist Links!

Donald Trump Jr. isn’t holding back when it comes to shutting down the rumor mill about Nikki Haley potentially being his dad’s running mate. In a recent interview with Newsmax, Trump Jr. made it abundantly clear that Haley won’t be on the ticket with President Trump. Why? Well, according to Trump Jr., Haley is too cozy with the globalists and war hawks in D.C. — and that’s a big no-no for the Trump camp.

According to Trump Jr., Haley’s penchant for globalism and her support for American intervention in foreign conflicts is a major turnoff. In fact, he even went so far as to call her a “puppet of the establishment” and accused her of being the darling of the billionaire class. Ouch!

But it’s not just Trump Jr. who’s taking aim at Haley. Fox News host Tucker Carlson has also thrown his two cents in, saying that he’d actively campaign against a Trump-Haley ticket. He’s called her a “creature of the oligarchs” and has slammed her for endorsing the BLM riots. And if that isn’t enough, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley has been accused of being “neoliberal in the darkest, most nihilistic way.” Yikes!

However, there are a few folks in Trump’s orbit who have expressed support for Haley. His daughter-in-law, Lara Trump, hasn’t exactly shut down the idea of Haley being the VP pick. But with so much opposition from key players like Trump Jr. and Tucker Carlson, it’s clear that Haley’s road to the ticket won’t be an easy one.

While Haley’s name has been floating around in the VP rumor mill, it seems like her globalist tendencies have put her at odds with the Trump camp. And with key figures like Trump Jr. and Tucker Carlson publicly voicing their disapproval, it looks like Haley’s chances of being on the ticket are slim. If she wants to stand a chance, she’ll need to do some serious damage control and distance herself from the globalist label – and fast!

Written by Staff Reports

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