
Trump: Pelosi Failed Capitol, Rejects 10K Soldiers!

Former President Donald Trump made a bold claim on NBC’s “Meet the Press,” blaming none other than Nancy Pelosi for the disturbance that occurred on January 6th at the Capitol. According to Trump, if Pelosi had not turned down 10,000 soldiers, the whole incident could have been prevented. He even went so far as to say that Pelosi had the same authority as the commander in chief when it came to Capitol security.

But let’s be real here, folks. Does anyone really believe that Nancy Pelosi, with her finely manicured nails and designer outfits, would have the same authority as the president? It’s laughable! Trump himself behaved wonderfully on that day, but Pelosi, oh no, she turned down those soldiers and now she’s trying to wriggle out of it.

NBC’s Kristen Welker had the audacity to question Trump’s claim, suggesting that Pelosi may not have had the authority to accept or reject soldiers for Capitol security. But I’m with Trump on this one. The police testified against her, the Capitol police, mind you! They said she turned down the request and then burned all the evidence. How convenient!

It’s clear as day that Pelosi has authority over the Capitol. Trump even had a letter from the D.C. mayor stating that she turned down the request. Nancy Pelosi had every opportunity to prevent the disturbance, but she chose not to. And now she’s being shielded by the Jan. 6 Committee, who refused to interview her. Talk about a cover-up!

Of course, Pelosi’s representative tried to deny Trump’s allegations, calling them “completely made up.” But we all know better, don’t we? Multiple fact-checkers have confirmed that Speaker Pelosi did not plan her own assassination. Well, that’s a relief! But it doesn’t change the fact that she failed to take action when it was needed.

Now, let’s talk about the decision-making process. The Capitol Police Board, which includes Pelosi’s own sergeant at arms, was responsible for requesting National Guard assistance. They initially decided not to call the Guard, but changed their minds after the riots had already begun. So Pelosi’s own people were part of the problem too!

Former Capitol Police Chief Steven Sund and the two sergeants at arms have given conflicting versions of who called for the Guard and when. It’s a mess of finger-pointing and blame-shifting. But one thing is clear: Pelosi’s reluctance to act played a major role in the events of January 6th.

It’s just a shame that the Democrat-led House Committee on January 6th never bothered to subpoena Pelosi. I guess they’re too busy trying to impeach Trump for the hundredth time. But the truth will come out, my friends. Nancy Pelosi is responsible for what happened that day, and no amount of denial or cover-ups can change that fact.

Written by Staff Reports

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