
Trump Rules Early States, DeSantis Struggles: South Carolina Shock!

In recent polls from Iowa, New Hampshire, and South Carolina, former President Donald Trump is holding a strong lead in the GOP primary across all three states. Meanwhile, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has fallen to third place in South Carolina, while also facing threats from other candidates in Iowa and New Hampshire.

The South Carolina poll, conducted by Fox Business, shows Trump with a commanding 48 percent of the support, while former Gov. Nikki Haley has moved into second place with 14 percent. DeSantis finds himself in third place with 13 percent, closely followed by Sen. Tim Scott at 10 percent. This loss of momentum for DeSantis is a significant blow as he has consistently held the second spot in previous surveys.

According to GOP pollster Daron Shaw, Trump’s dominance in the race is undeniable, leaving the other candidates competing to break out as the anti-Trump choice. This race is currently a three-way battle in South Carolina between DeSantis, Haley, and Scott. However, with Trump’s overwhelming presence, it appears to be an uphill battle for any of them to surpass the former president.

The news for DeSantis doesn’t improve in the Iowa poll either. The survey conducted by Fox Business reveals that Trump holds a staggering 30-point lead over DeSantis, with 46 percent support compared to DeSantis’s meager 16 percent. Sen. Tim Scott is gaining ground, trailing behind DeSantis at 11 percent. Other candidates such as Vivek Ramasawamy, Haley, and Mike Pence are also making their presence felt.

In New Hampshire, Trump still maintains a significant lead, although it has slightly decreased from previous polling. The Daily Mail poll conducted by JL Partners shows Trump with 42 percent, a 27-point lead over DeSantis at 15 percent. Scott and Chris Christie are experiencing a surge in support in New Hampshire, posing a threat to DeSantis’s ability to directly contrast himself with Trump.

Overall, these poll results indicate Trump’s continued popularity within the Republican Party, while exposing DeSantis’s waning support in South Carolina, Iowa, and New Hampshire. The other candidates must find a way to differentiate themselves from Trump if they hope to have a chance in this race. As of now, it seems like a daunting task.

Written by Staff Reports

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