
Trump Scores Major Win as Special Counsel’s Case Gets Appealed

Former President Donald Trump has scored another victory against the liberals as Special Counsel Jack Smith’s case against him gets appealed. That’s right, folks, despite the left’s best efforts to bring Trump down, it seems like they can’t catch a break.

The appeal comes after Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed the case, ruling that Smith’s appointment violated the Appointments Clause of the United States Constitution. Finally, someone with some sense! It’s about time someone put a stop to these politically motivated witch hunts against conservatives.

Smith wasted no time in filing his official notice of appeal, sending a clear message that he won’t back down. And why should he? The dismissal of the case goes against the conclusions of previous courts that have stated the Attorney General is perfectly within his rights to appoint a Special Counsel. It seems like Judge Cannon missed that memo.

But let’s not forget the bigger picture here. This case not only undermines the role of the Attorney General in appointing constitutional officers but also weakens Congress’ authority in authorizing expenditures by law. It’s a blatant attack on our constitutional system and a dangerous precedent to set.

It’s no secret that the left has been trying everything in their power to take down Trump since day one. From baseless impeachment attempts to endless investigations, they just can’t accept the fact that he was a successful president who put America first. Well, sorry to burst your bubble, liberals, but this latest appeal shows that Trump isn’t going anywhere.

The mainstream media will undoubtedly try to spin this as a bad thing for Trump, but we all know better. This is just another example of the left’s desperation to bring him down. But they can try all they want, because conservatives will continue to stand strong and defend our values.

So, keep your heads held high, conservatives. The fight isn’t over yet, but with each victory like this, we’re one step closer to reclaiming our country from the clutches of the radical left. And that’s something to celebrate.

Written by Staff Reports

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