
Trump Slams Border Crisis as Job Killer for Minorities

In typical Trump fashion, the former president is calling out the crisis at the southern border for what it really is: a job-killer for Black and Hispanic Americans. Contrary to the Democrats’ usual song and dance about the economy being in tip-top shape, Trump has been adamant that the influx of illegal immigrants isn’t just a safety risk or a drain on public resources. It’s also a gig snatcher hurting the prospects of hardworking, everyday Americans, particularly minorities.

Detroiter or not, the message from Trump resonates loud and clear. He’s been out in the heartland, hammering home the point that President Biden’s lenient border policies have flung open the gates to an estimated five million newcomers. At a rally in Detroit, predominantly a Black city essential to winning Michigan, Trump laid out the grim reality: illegal immigration is a direct punch in the gut to Black and Hispanic workers. It’s pretty simple math — more illegal entrants mean fewer job opportunities for the native population.

Predictably, the Democrats are hyperventilating, calling Trump’s claims both wrong and offensive. They point to economic numbers like a 4% unemployment rate and stronger-than-expected performance as evidence that all is rosy under Biden’s rule. But let’s not kid ourselves. When Steven A. Camarota from the Center for Immigration Studies chimes in, he’s backing Trump’s stance. He points out what many have been seeing firsthand — new, less-educated foreign workers are competing with Americans who also happen to be less-educated. Guess who’s taking the hit? It’s the African Americans and lower-end workers who find themselves edged out.

It’s not just talk either. The House Budget Committee recently revealed that immigrants, legal or otherwise, have seized half of the new jobs created in the U.S. since October. Who benefits most here? Definitely not our native-born workforce, which has only seen a growth of 1 million compared to the 3 million foreign-born workers. This trend started back in 2019 and hasn’t let up since.

With signs showing that Biden and the Democrats are sweating bullets over slipping support among Black voters, it’s no wonder they’re doubling down on defending their policies. Congresswoman Gwen Moore is quick to highlight the rise in Black-owned businesses and low Black unemployment as proof Biden’s policies are spot on. She brushes off Trump’s statements as mere scapegoating, accusing him of stoking division rather than offering solutions.

Yet, even amid Democratic cheers about immigration boosting the GDP by nearly $9 trillion over the next decade, the CBO subtly drops a bomb by noting that these new workers are indeed driving wages down. Specifically, those with only a high school education or less are feeling the crunch, while the upper-educated echelons are gaining more demand. So while the top dogs continue to prosper, ordinary Americans are left grappling with lower wages and dwindling job opportunities.

In the end, Trump’s tough talk on immigration is more than political posturing. It’s a reflection of a stark reality that many Black and Hispanic Americans face every day, one that Biden’s policies appear to be aggravating rather than alleviating.

Written by Staff Reports

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