
Trump Slams Left, Aces Mental Test, Dominates 2024 GOP Race!

Former President Donald J. Trump has once again taken to Truth Social to unleash his fury on the left-wing media and challenge his detractors to mental acuity tests. Trump, a man who never shies away from a fight, called out media mogul Rupert Murdoch, President Joe Biden, and the leadership of the Wall Street Journal, accusing them of peddling phony polls and attempting to soften the blow of Biden’s mental incompetence.

In his characteristic bombastic style, Trump reminded his loyal followers that he had already aced a mental acuity test in the past and scoffed at the idea that his mind is anything but sharp. He suggested that Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, whom he refers to as the “Globalists,” are resorting to these tactics because they can’t find any legitimate reasons to attack him or promote their preferred candidates.

But Trump didn’t stop at challenging his adversaries. He took the opportunity to criticize the sorry state of our nation under the Biden administration. Trump lamented the influx of illegal migrants, labeling the United States a “laughingstock.” He openly questioned who in their right mind would vote for Biden, mocking his inability to string two sentences together. The former President highlighted issues like inflation, crime, the military, and airports to paint a bleak picture of the Biden presidency.

Trump also took aim at Fox News and the Wall Street Journal, expressing his frustration with their failure to showcase polls that favor him over other potential candidates like “Ron DeSanctimonious.” He dismissed other contenders like “Aida” Hutchinson and Chris Christie, claiming they don’t stand a chance in the political arena.

Interestingly, recent polling data from CNN’s top political analyst, David Chalian, shows that Trump is gaining strength in the race for the 2024 Republican presidential nomination. According to the poll, Trump has a whopping 52 percent support among Republican and Republican-leaning voters, leaving Ron DeSantis, once considered a strong contender, way behind at 18 percent. Chalian even admitted that the race is now Trump’s to lose.

On the flip side, DeSantis seems to be losing ground, slipping eight percentage points since June. The numbers clearly indicate that Trump is getting stronger while DeSantis is faltering. This shift in support could very well solidify Trump’s position as the frontrunner for the Republican nomination in 2024.

Based on the national poll conducted by InteractivePolls, Trump also has a strong lead against Biden in a head-to-head matchup. In a two-way general election, Trump secured 46 percent of the vote, while Biden trailed closely behind with 44 percent. In a three-way general election, Trump emerged victorious with 44 percent, Biden lagged at 39 percent, and the Green Party candidate Cornell West managed to scrape together a measly 4 percent.

In summary, it seems that Trump’s tireless efforts to connect with his base and challenge the biased media are paying off. His outspokenness and unwillingness to bow down to the liberal establishment have resonated with Republicans, who are increasingly rallying behind him for the 2024 nomination. As the saying goes, “If you can’t beat ’em, join ’em,” and it seems the liberal media might have no other choice but to face the reality that Trump is a formidable force to be reckoned with.

Written by Staff Reports

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