
Trump Targets Power & Revenge in 2nd Bid; Biden’s Vision Yawns “Nothing”

Former President Donald Trump, always one to keep the people guessing, recently shared the juicy details of a poll conducted by J.L. Partners for the Daily Mail. This cheeky little poll surveyed about 1,000 likely voters, asking them to describe what they believe Trump wants out of a second term. The top words used to describe Trump’s second-term ambitions were “revenge,” “power,” and “dictatorship.” What better way to start a discussion than with some spicy word choices?

In comparison, the same poll asked participants to describe what they believe President Joe Biden wants out of a potential second term. The most popular responses were “nothing,” “economy,” and “peace.” It’s almost as if the people see Trump as a man on a mission, while Biden is just coasting along like a leaf in a stream, going wherever the current takes him.

Now, let’s not forget the stir caused by Trump’s recent town hall event with Fox News’ Sean Hannity. When asked about the possibility of abusing power in a second term, Trump quipped that he wouldn’t be a dictator, except maybe on Day One, when he wanted to “close the border” and “drill, drill, drill.” Cue the liberal media’s pearl-clutching and frantic keyboard typing. They saw this as some sort of evidence of Trump’s nefarious intentions, while Republican Sen. J.D. Vance of Ohio simply urged them to “find a sense of humor.”

But wait, there’s more! Trump brought up these comments once again during his keynote address to the New York Young Republican Club’s 111th Annual Gala. He took the opportunity to set the record straight, clarifying that when he said he wanted to be a dictator for a day, it was all in good fun. He even explained that his desire for a brief dictatorship stemmed from wanting to build a wall and do some good old-fashioned drilling.

Of course, Trump’s campaign website is chock-full of details about his positions on energy and border security. According to the site, under President Trump’s leadership, the United States became the number one producer of oil and natural gas on earth, achieved American energy independence, and delivered historically low costs for oil, gas, diesel, and electricity to consumers and businesses. He also created what is described as the most secure border in U.S. history, ending catch-and-release, deporting record numbers of illegal alien gang members, and building an impressive 450 miles of powerful new wall. The site also addresses Joe Biden’s reversal of Trump’s policies on energy and border security, painting a picture of chaos and danger.


Written by Staff Reports

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