
Trump Teases Rubio as VP at Rally, Dares Biden to Golf Duel

Former President Donald Trump keeps America guessing about his choice of running mate, despite the churning rumor mill. Speaking at his South Florida Doral golf resort, Trump masterfully dodged revealing his selection, instead dropping a nod to Senator Marco Rubio of Florida. The former president called Rubio a fantastic guy, stirring the pot without spilling any beans.

Trump's usual flair and razor-sharp wit were displayed as he hinted at Rubio as a vice-presidential contender. Trump quickly pointed out that the media presence indicated they were sniffing out a potential VP announcement. A packed press gallery has perks when you want to keep people on edge.

Of course, the veepstakes are far from settled. Besides Rubio, contenders like Senator J.D. Vance of Ohio and Governor Doug Burgum of North Dakota remain in the mix, although they chose to sit this rally out. Watching Trump in action, one must wonder if he's auditioning them all on American politics's grand stage.

Seizing the moment, Trump celebrated his debate triumph and took shots at President Joe Biden. Framing Biden's advanced age as a political liability, Trump challenged the president to another debate, this time without moderators and with no holds barred. Picture a free-for-all where Biden's teleprompter isn't there to bail him out. Name the place — anytime, anywhere.

Adding a bit of sport into politics, Trump threw down another gauntlet, proposing an 18-hole charity golf match at his Doral Blue Monster course. Sweetening the deal, Trump generously offered Biden 20 strokes and pledged $1 million to Biden's chosen charity if the president managed a win. Naturally, Biden's handlers bailed on the challenge, claiming the president was too busy saving the world from whatever crisis they thought he was addressing this week.

The rally also featured a surprise guest: Trump's youngest son, Barron. The teenager stepped into the spotlight, greeted by a thunderous standing ovation. Trump couldn't resist comparing Barron's popularity to that of his older brothers, Donald Jr. and Eric. Unfazed and ever the showman, Trump welcomed Barron to the political arena. Move over, Kennedys—there's a new political dynasty in town.

For those keeping score, the Biden campaign couldn't resist lobbing a few insults from the peanut gallery, calling Trump every name in the book. But actions speak louder than words, and Biden's refusal to engage in both debate and sport speaks volumes.

Written by Staff Reports

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