
Trump Torches Liberal Reporter with Sharpie-Edited Tweet Rebuttal!

In a classic Trump move, the former president responded to a tweet by Capitol reporter Jake Sherman by using a Sharpie to make notations on Sherman’s post. With a touch of humor and a hint of cheekiness, Trump playfully corrected Sherman and ended his notations with the sly remark, “Better Luck Next Time, Jake!” It’s always amusing to see Trump’s unique way of responding to criticism.

Sherman’s tweet focused on Trump’s endorsements and pointed out that some of the candidates he supported, like Jordan and Banks, ended up losing their races. Sherman also mentioned that Emmer was down by 26 votes before Trump spoke against him, suggesting that Trump’s intervention may have further impacted Emmer’s chances. However, it seems like Trump had a different perspective on the situation.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, a vocal supporter of Trump, quickly joined the conversation by tweeting at Sherman and attaching Trump’s notations. Greene seemed to imply that Sherman had gotten his facts wrong and needed to “Get [his] story straight.” It’s always refreshing to see outspoken conservatives challenging the mainstream media’s narrative.

In other news, the U.S. House of Representatives has finally chosen its new Speaker after a nail-biting 22-day contest. The unexpected winner is Rep. Mike Johnson from Louisiana, who garnered support from both prominent GOP figures and an endorsement from Trump himself. Trump congratulated Johnson and expressed his confidence in him as a great leader and a tremendous man. It’s clear that Trump’s support played a significant role in Johnson’s victory.

Johnson’s election as Speaker marks a unanimous choice for a Republican speaker, the first time this has happened since 2011. Even former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, along with other notable GOP members, showed their support for Johnson by giving him applause and standing ovations. It’s exciting to see the Republican Party rallying behind a unified candidate.

Johnson’s path to the Speaker’s chair was not without its challenges, mirroring the twists and turns of former Speaker McCarthy’s journey. Initially, Tom Emmer secured the conference nomination, but after facing criticism from his own party and Trump, he dropped out of the race. Prior to Emmer, Rep. Jim Jordan faced difficulties in gaining support from establishment Republicans. It’s a volatile political landscape, but Johnson has emerged as the clear choice for Speaker.

All in all, it was an eventful day in the world of politics, with Trump once again making waves and the GOP choosing a new Speaker of the House. It will be interesting to see how Johnson leads and if he can bring the party together in the face of Democratic opposition.

Written by Staff Reports

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