
Trump Train Picking up Steam! Polls Indicate Landslide Comeback- Biden Left in Dust!

In the newest edition of the New York Times/Siena College’s “Let’s Just Say the 2020 Election Wasn’t ‘That Big a Deal’ ” poll, former President Donald Trump is crushing the competition like a steamroller on a hot summer day. The poll, which has the accuracy of a half-blind archer, claims that 46% of registered voters are ready to jump back on the Trump Train, while only 44% cling to President Biden like a barnacle on a rusty old ship. Even more exciting, among likely voters, Trump’s lead widens to 47% to 45%, proving that his popularity still shines brighter than a fireworks display on the Fourth of July.

It’s like déjà vu all over again, folks! This poll is giving us serious flashbacks to 2016 when Trump pulled off the greatest upset victory since the tortoise outran the hare. Trump may have lost the so-called “popular vote” to Crooked Hillary, but he clearly knows how to work the system and come out on top where it counts – in the Electoral College. And if this poll is any indication, it looks like he’s poised to do it again in 2024.

But hold onto your hats, because here’s the real kicker – even among voters who didn’t have the good sense to pick Trump or Biden as their top choice, a whopping 26% would reluctantly choose Biden, and 24% would begrudgingly pick Trump. That’s right, folks, even the wishy-washy voters can’t help but lean towards Trump. 

In case you needed any more evidence that Joe Biden’s presidency is about as popular as a skunk at a perfume convention, the poll also reveals that a whopping 58% of registered voters disapprove of his leadership. Ouch! That’s got to sting worse than a sunburn at the beach. And let’s not forget that 54% of voters disapprove of Trump, but we all know that’s just because they can’t handle his unapologetic awesomeness.

And speaking of important issues, it’s clear that voters are most concerned about the economy, with 20% of them recognizing that Trump is the man with the plan to keep America great. Sorry, Biden, but your disastrous policies aren’t fooling anyone – except maybe the 10% of folks who think immigration is the biggest problem facing our country.

To add insult to injury, a generous 46% of voters believe that Trump would handle the Israeli-Palestinian conflict better than Biden. It’s like a slap in the face to Sleepy Joe’s failed foreign policy. And don’t even get us started on how few voters care about so-called “important” issues like climate change and democracy.

But perhaps the most telling sign of Biden’s impending doom is the fact that even his own party is questioning whether he should throw in the towel. David Axelrod, former chief campaign strategist for Obama, has practically begged Biden to consider calling it quits, and rumors are swirling that Biden has responded with some choice words for Axelrod. 

As for Trump, the only thing that could possibly stand in his way is the mountain of criminal charges he’s facing, but let’s be real – what are the odds of that actually stopping him? If the polls are any indication, it’s full steam ahead for the Trump Train, and nothing – not even 91 criminal charges – can derail it.


Written by Staff Reports

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