
Trump Tramples Biden in Key States, Left’s Takedown in Tatters!

Former President Trump is experiencing a resurgence in popularity, much to the chagrin of the left, who have been unsuccessful in tarnishing his reputation. Recent polling data from CNN suggests that if a hypothetical rematch were to occur in 2024, Trump would surpass President Joe Biden in two crucial 2020 battleground states.

In Michigan, Trump holds a substantial 10-point lead over Biden, despite the latter's victory in the state during the 2020 election. Similarly, a Georgia poll indicates Trump's 49 percent support, outperforming Biden's 44 percent, showcasing that Biden's narrow win in Georgia did not leave a lasting impact on voters.

In an effort to undermine the former president, Special Counsel Jack Smith persistently attempts to prosecute Trump. Despite setbacks, Smith recently appealed to the Supreme Court to expedite the review of whether a former president can be prosecuted for actions taken while in office, emphasizing its "imperative public importance."

The Supreme Court has granted Smith's request, demanding a response from Trump's legal team by December 20. If the court decides to hear the dispute, oral arguments are likely to occur in early 2023. Previous lower court dismissals of claims of absolute immunity from prosecution while in office have further frustrated Trump's adversaries.

The Trump campaign vehemently criticized Smith's relentless pursuit of legal action against the former president, labeling him as "Deranged Jack Smith" and accusing him of attempting to interfere in the 2024 Presidential Election to prevent Trump from reclaiming the Oval Office.

This legal battle could potentially work in Trump's favor, as his trial for alleged election interference was scheduled for March. If the Supreme Court intervenes, it may lead to an expedited resolution. Trump's ability to turn adversity into triumph suggests that Smith's frenzied attempts to thwart the seemingly impervious former president could backfire spectacularly.

Despite the left's relentless efforts, Trump remains a formidable force, and his unwavering popularity continues to confound detractors as he navigates through these legal challenges.







Written by Staff Reports

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