
Trump Trial Date Shocker: Dems Scramble as Vindication Nears!

Judge Aileen Cannon has thrown a curveball that will definitely surprise Democrat politicians and their allies. Instead of waiting for years and dragging things out, she has set the trial date for the DOJ’s so-called classified documents case against President Donald Trump. She has ordered that pre-trial motions must be completed by July and set the trial date for August 14th, 2023, in the US District Court in Fort Pierce, Florida.

It’s about time that the truth comes out, and Trump gets his well-deserved vindication. The Democrats and their fake news media will finally have to answer for their baseless accusations. These false charges against Trump are nothing but another desperate attempt by the left to keep him from running for president again.

Despite the numerous delays caused by the prosecution and the defense, Judge Cannon’s decision shows that she is serious about getting this case resolved. There’s a good chance that this could take place just before the general election. Democrats are afraid of Trump’s potential candidacy, and they will do everything in their power to undermine him.

It’s time for Trump’s supporters to rally behind him. He is innocent, and this trial will prove it. The Democrats are already nervous about this trial and the fact that their hopes of a Biden presidency are quickly evaporating. They know that they have nothing on Trump, and that’s why they’re resorting to these dirty tactics.

It’s a great day for all of us, and we eagerly await the unveiling of the truth. Follow RedState for updates on the trial, and let’s cheer for President Donald Trump!

Written by Staff Reports

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